TPR Systems ‘TS Series’ is a new generation of portable and desktop audio / video interview recording equipment designed specifically for use by Police Departments, Law Enforcement agencies, Defence and private enterprise. Our recorders are compact, light weight and easy to operate.
The interview recorders can be configured to suit your agency’s requirements.

Simple touch screen operation
The TS series interview recording equipment is controlled through a simple LED touch screen. Recording an interview is as easy as pushing the onscreen Record button.
The display will indicate date and time, and the elapsed and remaining recording time for the interview.

Designed for the utmost reliability and trouble free operation with quality components that includes solid state storage. Recordings are protected and backed-up and as the interview progresses.
The TS series continuously monitors the video and microphones to ensure trouble free recordings. The DVD’s are simultaneously recorded and checked and are finalised and ready to remove within three minutes. All media is checked before the interview begins.

Verifiable recording
Recordings are digitally signed as they are recorded. This means that at any time in the future it is possible to prove absolutely that a particular recording is complete and unchanged.

Total coverage
The TS Series recordings leave nothing to ambiguity. A configurable Picture-in-Picture generator gives a full screen view of the interviewee as well as up to two picture-in-picture shots to use as you wish, most often one will show the entire interview room through a wide-angle lens camera, and the other a close-up of the interviewer or interpreter.
Flexible media formats
With a recording time of 6 hours. The audio / video DVD’s are recorded in realtime in H.264 (MPEG4 Part 10) format and the Audio CD’s are in MP3 format. Other formats available by request.
Built-in monitor
The TS series boasts a LED touch screen on the front panel showing graphical instructions and live video for camera setup, confidence in operation and playback.
Multiple recordings
The TS series can be configured to record the interview onto a combination of three or four DVD’s or CD’s. Should your application require a non-standard combination of audio only and audio / video recordings, or more or fewer recordings than standard, the TS series recorders can be changed to suit your application.
The TS series records video as 25 fps PAL. An NTSC version is also available with 30 fps rate.
Two microphones are used to give CD quality stereo audio. Optional external microphones are available.
Network ready
The TS series recorders feature various methods for transferring the interview data, metadata and digital chain of evidence data to a storage repository.

Remote monitoring
The recorder has network video streaming and analogue output connections. These outputs can share the video and audio from an interview in progress with a remote location.

The TS series recorders are lightweight at 6.3Kg and fits into an optional waterproof protective case that features a fold down carry handle, retractable extension handle, built-in wheels, automatic purge valve, double action latches and reinforced padlock protectors. Total weight approx 12.6Kg